
Crowdsourced bicycling crashes and near misses: trends in Canadian cities

Crowdsource bicycling incident reports across 9 Canadian cities suggest dangerous passes are the most commonly reported bicycling incidents, with the highest ratio of near misses to collisions (9:1) while incident types leading to highest proportion of injury were with motor vehicles turning left.

To scoot or not to scoot: Findings from a recent survey about the benefits and barriers of using E-scooters for riders and non-rider

E-scooters used more for transport than recreation, potentially filling a niche. Also viewed as convenient, faster, and better in hot weather than walking. Non-white non-riders significantly more likely to intend to try e-scooters. E-scooters disproportionately replace walking and bicycling for all trip types. Women significantly more likely to cite safety-related barriers to e-scooter use.

The Impact of Implementing Public Bicycle Share Programs on Bicycle Crashes

Data from 8 North American show the odds of reporting a bicycling crash were lower in cities that had existing PBSPs (Boston, Montreal, Toronto).